
Traveling Riveted Since 2022

Tropic Hideaway RV Resort, Foley AL

OWA Resort – Foley AL

February 22-25, 2024

We make our second trip to OWA and Tropic Hideaway RV Park .  We have tickets to see ‘White Tie Rock Ensemble Presents: Pink Floyd”.

Thursday February 22, 2024

OWA – Tropic Hideaway site #2239

Thursday –  We left about 6:15am. The traffic in Jackson was not bad at that time of the morning. So we are off to a good start. 

We had scheduled an appointment at Foley RV in Gulfport to get a couple minor issues addressed on the airstream. The service manager and tech, John and Mark, made quick work out of our issues and got us back on the road very promptly.  These guys do a great job and we are glad we have them to call on.

Today, Diane’s phone was not working properly, so we found an AT&T store to stop by and get it checked out. This is the day AT&T had a nationwide outage due to a software upgrade glitch. Who new this was such a big issue. So we headed on our way.

Travel from Gulfport to Foley was good. The wind did seem to pick-up a little along the way. We stopped at Buc-ees to eat lunch and kill a little time. Check-in is not until 2pm at Tropic Hideaway.

Mobile Bay Tunnel, Tropic Hideaway RV Park

Friday February 23, 2024

Friday was a very slow and relaxing day. Not much going on. Jack did have to work a little, so I went to the gym for a workout.

After lunch we went to an estate sale, that was a bust. Just an old home with a bunch of junk. We came back to the RV park and enjoyed having the doors and the windows open. The wind was terrible and made it miserable to be outside. 

That evening we ate in and enjoyed the sunset and later the full moon.

Saturday  February 24, 2024

We were slow starting and ate lunch at nearby Wolf Bay Restaurant. We both got fried shrimp. This is the best fried shrimp we have had in several years.

After lunch we headed to the farmers market that was located in the same area. We had a slow walk through but did not see anything that we needed.

After returning to Tropic Hideaway, we relaxed again and took another walk around the park. We were able to have the windows open for a while, but had to close them that afternoon, as it started to cool off. The wind was pretty bad again, but settled down around 6 PM.

We took the dogs for a good walk before heading out to the concert.

Pink Floyd – White Tie Rock Ensemble were pretty good. Lots of songs I did not know, but Jack knew just about all. 

White Tie Rock Ensemble Presents: Pink Floyd

Sunday February 25, 2024

Sunday morning we prepped for traveling home. We had a good trip and will return soon.

Overall a pretty chill trip. We will be back in March to see Still Standing – Elton John with Nick and Shelly.

Travel Information

OWA Tropic Hideaway RV Resort February 22-25, 2024

Miles and Cost Info

Miles 576
Avg Fuel Cost per Gallon
MPG total 13.48
Fuel Gallon
Cents per Mile .25
Total (87.84+57.73) $145.57