
Traveling Riveted Since 2022

Tropic Hideaway RV Resort, Foley AL

OWA Resort – Foley AL

January 11-14, 2024

We make our first trip to OWA and Tropic Hideaway RV Resort for our first trip ever made in January. Normally it has been too cold to travel, but with temperatures in the 40’s and 50’s we thought we would give it a try.

We have tickets to see the “Bee Gees Now” tribute band and attend a Murder Mystery Dinner. The rest of the time we will be hanging out.

More to come…..

Thursday January 11, 2024

OWA – Tropic Hideaway site #2271

The drive down was uneventful once we got out of Jackson.  Getting gas at QT and then Cat Scales across the street was stressful to me but Jack seemed fine.  It felt good to be out on the road again.

Tropic Hideaway is on the pricey side but VERY nice.  It’s very well lite and the landscaping is beautiful.  Even the dog parks are landscaped.  We are right across the street from the pool / clubhouse.

We wanted to get the lay of the land at OWA before the Murder Mystery show so we drove over.  OWA is just down the street from the RV park.  The shopping and dining wasn’t much.  It is off season but most places on the map are permanently closed.  That part was pretty much a bust. So we  picked up a daiquiri and looked around.

We met our Airstream neighbor – Mike from Missouri with a 30 ft. FC / office towing with a Grand Waggoner.  Pretty nice set up.  He is a widower – very nice – likes to talk.

The Murder Mystery show was a good experience but we didn’t really have a clue about what to do.  It might be one of those things that you get better the more you do it.  The dinner was okay about what I expected – it was about the show experience.  It was pretty pricey but I think we were both glad we did it.  It was fun.

OWA & Tropic Hideaway RV Resort

Friday January 12, 2024

The weather is not good today. Very windy (gust to 40 mph) and rained until about lunch. I went to the gym while it rained.  Another perk of this place!   We have The Bee Gees tonight so that should be fun!

After lunch we went on a site seeing trip, we stopped and got a daiquiri at the Wharf and messed around a little.  The wind was still crazy.  We road by some other RV parks and confirmed we really like where we are staying.  The waves at the beach were big and lots of white caps.

We ate supper in and got to OWA early for close parking.  I got our tickets late and our seats were not together. WOW!!  The Bee Gee’s Now were so good. 

Saturday  January 13, 2024

I took advantage of the gym again this morning.  We had a laid back morning.  We ate lunch at the Original Oyster House- went in  a few shops while we were there.  I got daiquiri and headed back to the RV.  We made a video of the park for fun.  Got a few things done in preparation of leaving since it’s supposed to be so cold at home and in the morning.  Jack was able to visit with Mike again.  I enjoyed the blinds being open and the door open – music – happy hour – living our best life!

Bee Gees Now!!

Sunday January 15, 2024

We will be going home to freezing cold.

Th weather has been good while we were here.  Rain one day until lunch but not pouring rain.  It’s been cold in the morning (32) and warmer into the day (50’s) Pretty much clear skies and super beautiful.  It’s been a good trip.  We were able to enjoy the grounds getting a few steps in and the enjoyed the Airstream.  It wasn’t crowded at the RV park which was nice but also sad since it’s so nice.  I’m looking forward to coming back in February.

Travel Information

OWA Tropic Hideaway RV Resort January 11-14, 2024

Miles and Cost Info

Miles 604
Avg Fuel Cost per Gallon
MPG total 13.9
Fuel Gallon
Cents per Mile .23
Total (86.95+56.12) $143.07