
Traveling Riveted Since 2022

Poplar Bluff MO – Jaclyn’s Graduation

Happy Graduation

Poplar Bluff MO Trip – May 16-18, 2024
13.7 miles per gallon.

We are off to Missouri for another graduation to celebrate with Jaclyn for completing her nursing degree. We are so proud of her. She passed her NCLEX a couple weeks after our visit and  should start to work in a couple weeks.

Thursday May 16, 2024

We left at 6:00am and got to Camelot RV resort around 12:15pm. We took a new shorter way with some small towns and two lane roads. We made good time and good gas mileage of 13.7mpg, even with all the stop and goes through the small towns.

We went to Jaclyn‘s about 3 o’clock to hang out and eat dinner. Billy wasn’t home from work when we left. We needed to beat the rain so we could take the dogs out.

The cicadas were so loud it sounded like a weed eater. They stopped with the rain.

Friday May 17, 2024

We went to Jaclyn‘s about 10 to hang out until about lunch. We ate lunch in and then headed to the pinning ceremony. The pinning lasted about an hour and then we went to eat. We met Billy, Maddy, Bill and Lynda at the Mexican Restaurant.

Saturday May 18, 2024

We had a relaxing drive home on Saturday. With just two stops we made great time.


Travel Information

Poplar Bluff, MO
May 16-18, 2024

Miles and Cost Info

Miles 797
Gas Cost per Gallon 3.41
MPG 13.7
Cents per Mile .24.8
Total $198.00

Traveling to Missouri