
Traveling Riveted Since 2022

Poplar Bluff MO – N. Little Rock AK

Happy Graduation

North Little Rock

Poplar Bluff MO Trip – North Little Rock AK – May 24, 25 and 26, 2023

12.9 miles per gallon.

This will be our furthest trip to date, 800+ miles. Traveling to Poplar Bluff, Missouri, then returning with a stop in Arkansas, then home. We will be staying at Camelot RV Campground/RV Park for a couple days in Poplar Bluff and then moving on to North Little Rock to stay at Downtown Riverside RV Park before heading home a couple days later.

In Poplar Bluff we attended our oldest grandson’s high school graduation. He is a smart kid and did great in school. Heading to nursing school in June. North Little Rock was just a couple days stop over and seeing  the sites as we traveled through the state of Arkansas. Didn’t realize there was so much farm land in the state.

Our travel time was 6 hours 45 minutes with only a couple stops. That is great for us. We are getting better and not having to stop as often as we have in the past.  It is 430 miles to Camelot RV Park in Poplar Bluff.  Big Blue continues to tow like a charm. The highways were very good , especially after getting out of Jackson. 

The Camelot RV Park is nice but nothing fancy. Our spot (#16) was shaded, gravel and level.  It was right off the highway so there was some road noise from the 18 wheelers but we are at the back of the campsite so it is not bad as it could have been. It is a little tight is spots getting in,  but doable. The staff was nice and helpful.

Wednesday night we ate dinner and visited with Jaclyn and family. We got to hear a lot about Jaclyn’s nursing school year, which was fun to listen to.

Jack had to work some Thursday morning. We are finding it easier each time we do. The weather was beautiful. We were able to have the windows open and enjoy the nice cool weather. Jaclyn, Billy and Little Billy came over for a little while. That afternoon we went as a family to eat Mexican and Big Billy‘s parents came also. Our food can quickly, so we kind of wasted as much  time as possible. We were needing to kill about an hour before heading to the graduation.

We got to the Coliseum and the line was already pretty long. We had good parking and good seats. It was 359 in the class, but the guy did a good job with the names and we were done at 8:15.

North Little Rock, Arkansas.
The travel from Popper Bluff was good. A good bit of it was two lane and the lower speed limit and flat farmland. The closer we got to Little Rock there was road construction. Overall not a bad drive. The RV park is in what felt like a sketchy area of town, but they lock the gate at 4 PM. We stayed in and cooked and enjoyed sitting by the river and enjoyed happy hour.

We went to the riverfront district. I’m thinking like Natchez or Laurel when they say shopping. It was not. There was a small farmers market. We came back and enjoyed sitting by the river again under our shade tree, which was fine. Later that afternoon we rode to Costco about 20 miles away, and we’re surprised at how hilly it was. We cooked in and started getting things put up and ready to travel. If we come back, I will need to do a better job of planning. 



Traveling to Missouri

Travel to North Little rock

Travel Information

Poplar Bluff – North Little Rock
May 24-26, 2023 –   Camelot RV Park   – Site #16
May 26-28, 2023Downtown Riverside RV Park – Site #4

Miles and Cost Info

Miles 930
Gas Cost per Gallon 3.04
MPG 12.9
Cents per Mile .23
Total $219.16