
Traveling Riveted Since 2022

Laurel – Sleepy Hollow RV Park

Sleepy Hollow RV Park

June 17-21, 2022

Pearls's Diner

Wine Down Concert

Sleepy Hollow RV Park – June 17-21, 2022 – Laurel MS
Site #42

We were able to check in early at the park around 11:30 after riding around downtown towing the Airstream trying to locate a few clients. We finally found Billy Taylor!

The park is very nice and shaded. They had a dog park which we haven’t had in a while. Almost forgot how nice it is.

We ate lunch at Pearl’s Diner. Nick and Shelly stayed at the RV park in the “Home Depot” cabin as Nick called it. We caught up with them at Pearl’s and then messed around at a few shops downtown. Then headed back to check on the dogs before we went out to The Loft for dinner and then the Wine Down to hear the band. The band was good and played some old hits from the 60s/70s. It was so hot and humid. It was miserable.

We opted to do something indoors. We went to Ellisville to do a place like the lucky rabbit. No AC but had some fans and it wasn’t in the sun.

We got back so Jack could get some ribs on the smoker. Shelley and I went to the pool while the boys cooked and watched golf. We ate dinner, play dominoes, and had a great time.

Nick and Shelly departed Sunday morning. Shelley and I got up early again so we could drink coffee and get our walk in. The weather was cooler, well it seems cooler with the lower humidity. They got on the road about nine, so we had a day to ourselves.

We took it easy today. Went to the pool for 30 minutes and rode to town to get some gas and take a few pictures around town. The downtown closes for Sunday and Monday. We will grill steaks for supper and will pull out tomorrow early.

That’s a wrap. 

Hanging out at the Pool

Hotel Alice